Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Last Week Was Really Fun!

Last Monday, Cheryl drove here with L & A! They all spent the night. Tuesday, after lunch, Cheryl & L left to visit friends in Illinois. They left A and me ("Grandma!") together for two whole days and nights. "Grandpa" came home from a meeting on Wednesday and enjoyed the rest of the visit.

Our A is now 2 years and 3 months old. What fun we had! Tuesday afternoon we drove to a local farm store that had baby chicks and baby ducks for sale. We didn't buy any (probably a wise decision), but we surely enjoyed those "cheep-cheeps!" ;-)

Here we are, "hiding" in the pillows!

Wish I'd taken more photos.

You have to know that Sidney is pretty tolerant when we have company... and that means exactly what the word says. No acceptance here... merely tolerant!

On Wednesday we went to the local nature center.
A loved watching the baby painted turtles and the fish.
She also had a great time listening to animal sounds (she also loved pushing the buttons!).

A's a great singer! You might enjoy this little clip. :-)

Mommy and L returned early Thursday afternoon. L is now a whopping 4 1/2 years old!
We had such a nice time together.
They stayed one more night before leaving Friday after lunch.

Here is a parting photograph.We missed them right away.

Next time, Daddy (Kyle) will come, too!
The best he could do, this time, was to tape small photos of his face on the car seats, etc.
No chance that his family would forget him! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Sounds, and looks, like everyone had a great time! (And how do you resist the cute little chicks and ducklings the local Agway has each spring?)

Nice photos - loved the videos!

Lucy-Maude thinks Sidney is tolerant, patient, gentle and stoic... all endearing qualities in a canine companion. Since Lucy (and her brother, before her) loves all babies and small children, she admits to being a little jealous of Sidney's house guests.

Shady Gardener said...

Hi Deb,
We really did have a great time. (I just couldn't submit a cute fluffy chick to loving, huggy 2-year-old hands!) ;-)

Thanks for coming by. Tell Lucy-Maude "hi" from Sidney. He could have used an understanding companion with whom to hide! lol

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your blog. Looks like an action packed time. You take a lot of pictures and videos. It makes for an interest blog to click around an see families together. A couple of your pics could really look good framed(iquana,Maya swings). Here is a link that does that sort of thing canvas Press

Yellow Daisy Momma said...

Hi, I love L's hair he looks so handsome! I fixed my link thanks for the tip hope you like my "new home".